Confrérie semi Role Play sur The Lord Of The Ring Online.
La Confrérie a établi son camp sur le serveur Estel [FR RP].

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#1 13-04-2007 07:04:59

Admin / Patriarche
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Toulouse (France)
Date d'inscription: 24-02-2007
Messages: 708
Site web

Patch pre-release

Depuis ce matin,
on peut t?l?charger un gros patch de Pre-release environ 300 fichier de modifi? pour 40Mo en tout smile

Donc pour pas ?tre bloqu? demain je vous invite a t?l?charger des aujourd'hui le patch wink

Thopeuh Eternal Circle lvl25 Gardien Nain
Anahya Eternal Circle lvl3x Chasseresse Humain
Maison: 4, rue des Jardins Staffolde - Bree, Armurier @ [FR-RP] Estel

#2 13-04-2007 07:34:12

Aventurier Mature
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Paris
Date d'inscription: 27-03-2007
Messages: 98

Re: Patch pre-release

merci j'y cours de suite wink

Thordrek, Gardien Nain, pourfendeur de goblinoïdes

#3 13-04-2007 07:58:46

Sénéchal Eternal Circle
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Toulouse
Date d'inscription: 24-02-2007
Messages: 401
Site web

Re: Patch pre-release

Horreur je peux pas le faire avant demain, je suis pas l? ce soir smile

Satan? vendredi 13 mad

Tallulah /  Eternal Circle Elfe Lore Master lvl 25
Amannandia / Eternal Circle Humain Capitaine lvl 26  Tallulah, Arctier @ [FR-RP] Estel

#4 13-04-2007 08:14:33

S?n?chal Eternal Circle
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Nantes
Date d'inscription: 10-03-2007
Messages: 130

Re: Patch pre-release


Je vais lancer le t??hargement d?s que je peux.

Capitaine, originaire du Rohan.
Level 22  Tolgnik, Fourbisseur @ [FR-RP] Estel

#5 13-04-2007 08:15:19

Aventurier Confirmé
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Strasbourg
Date d'inscription: 25-02-2007
Messages: 608

Re: Patch pre-release

Tu devrais pas changer ta signature toi ? ^^

Au fait un colis est parti dans ta direction !


#6 13-04-2007 08:26:38

Aventurier Mature
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Paris
Date d'inscription: 27-03-2007
Messages: 98

Re: Patch pre-release

oh un colis ? wink

Thordrek, Gardien Nain, pourfendeur de goblinoïdes

#7 13-04-2007 12:38:49

Admin / Patriarche
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Toulouse (France)
Date d'inscription: 24-02-2007
Messages: 708
Site web

Re: Patch pre-release

Oui tolgnik j'esp?re bien que tu vas ?tre l? d?s demain sinon rattention aux fesses thopeuh va distribuer des fess?es smile

Thopeuh Eternal Circle lvl25 Gardien Nain
Anahya Eternal Circle lvl3x Chasseresse Humain
Maison: 4, rue des Jardins Staffolde - Bree, Armurier @ [FR-RP] Estel

#8 13-04-2007 13:54:54

Sénéchal Eternal Circle
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Toulouse
Date d'inscription: 24-02-2007
Messages: 401
Site web

Re: Patch pre-release

Super on va voir un nain qui court apr?s plus grand que lui wink

Si tu veux aller plus vite Meerlinda et moi on peut faire notre jeu pr?f?r? : le jeter de nains wink

Tallulah /  Eternal Circle Elfe Lore Master lvl 25
Amannandia / Eternal Circle Humain Capitaine lvl 26  Tallulah, Arctier @ [FR-RP] Estel

#9 13-04-2007 14:42:17

Admin / Patriarche
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Toulouse (France)
Date d'inscription: 24-02-2007
Messages: 708
Site web

Re: Patch pre-release

hummm hummm je sais pas comment je dois le prendre ca smile

Mais bon allez on va dire que je veux bien faire pour une fois le "nain canon"

Thopeuh Eternal Circle lvl25 Gardien Nain
Anahya Eternal Circle lvl3x Chasseresse Humain
Maison: 4, rue des Jardins Staffolde - Bree, Armurier @ [FR-RP] Estel

#10 13-04-2007 15:43:40

Admin / Patriarche
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Toulouse (France)
Date d'inscription: 24-02-2007
Messages: 708
Site web

Re: Patch pre-release

Voici le patch note

Early Access Release Notes ? 14th April, 2007
East Angmar is now open! This area is intended for levels 45-50, and is not for the faint of heart!
Rain has been temporarily disabled. Enjoy the sunny weather!
The "Waiting for server" message has been removed.
Lots of work on the back end to improve performance and stability.
Fixed the problem with some video chipsets displaying black spots instead of faces.
The purchasing cost of level 2 skills has been reduced slightly.
The pre-order items are now destructible. They cannot be sold because they have a value of zero, but can be destroyed by the player.
The issue of the fog-of-war reappearing on maps has been fixed!
Players running Windows Vista should find performance and stability has increased and problems decreased. More fixes are in the works.
More fixes to address memory leaks and crashes.
Collection/Kill quests are now properly added to the Quest Tracker upon advancing.
In 800x600 resolution, the Quest Log no longer appears off-screen.
By popular request, Gondorians now have the option for grey eyes at character creation.
Fixed a potential exploit with the auction system.
Certain players (and one in particular - you know who you are) will be extremely happy to know that they can now have names with 4 consecutive vowels! However, we still think Legolaaas and Eeomir are pretty silly.
We fixed an issue that could lead to players being stuck at the loading screen when trying to enter some instances. This will fix issues with the instances "Skorgr?m's Tomb" and "The Refuge of Edhelion," along with many others.
Fixed a loading screen hang that can occur when logging in.
Fixed players being able to exit their client and logout immediately to prevent dying. So sorry, guys. Be more careful, because now there's no easy way out!
B?b-hosh, an orc leader present in the Retake Weathertop instance, escaped his cage and decided to hang out on the slopes of Weathertop. We think he honestly believed that we wouldn't catch him as he kept saying something akin to, "I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those meddling kids..." We're not certain what that means, but B?b-hosh has been returned to his cage.
"A Guardian's Duty" can be completed once again! Guardians everywhere rejoice, drawing the attention of monsters as close as 15 meters.
Fair Sherman is no longer quite so generous, so y'all can pack up those tents now and go home.
Mr. Ranger finally caught the sneaky bear who kept following players and scaring them with his random growling. You won't be hearing him anymore. (However, his accomplice is still on the loose, so be on the lookout for a small brown bear with a bowtie.)
Known Issues
NEW - Player notes and kinship message of the day are not working
NEW - The following emotes are not working in the French version:

/sourcils /eyebrow
/froncer /frown
/gifle /slap
/sourire /smile
/combustion /combust
/conversation /conversation
/?quilibre /handstand
/serer /hug
NEW - The following emotes are not working in the German version:

/eyebrow /augenbraue
/frown /stirnrunzeln
/slap /ohrfeige
/smile /l?cheln
/combust /verbrennen
/conversation /unterhalten
/hug /umarmen
NEW - If you enter a bad username/password into the login on the launcher, the launcher will turn to a "dead state". To resolve this problem, completely close down the launcher and restart it. Take care to type your details in correctly!
If you are playing on a version patched up from 1.11 or earlier you will not have the movie cutscenes or intro cinematic movie. To get the cutscenes, simply re-install the game from your Pre-order disk, or download the 1.12 client from one of the links in this thread.
If you try to enter more than 15 lines of text when submitting an in-game support ticket you will get a runtime error.
If players log out during the Newbie dwarf raid "Skorgr?m's Tomb," the walls and entities may disappear. If this occurs, players should open their quest log, click on the Quest for the instance, then hit Cancel Quest to be removed from the instance and start the quest over again.
In a field of like creatures, it is difficult to determine who will be tracked both before and after using the skill.
The mouse pointer is lost when using mouse controls to steer the character and a dialog box appears onscreen.
Animations are choppy when the game is run in windowed mode on a non-primary monitor.
The Orc Reaver trait for flaming weapons should display a flame fx, but doesn?t.
If the player opens their map in a dungeon and choose a ""Show Map"" to view any other area, the map's fog-of-war gets refreshed, covering the explored area.
When you equip a weapon or weapons while stealthed, they remain faded out even upon exiting stealth, and stay faded at all times until they are un-equipped and re-equipped.
Players running Windows Vista may get a message that says "chat server unavailable." This can be corrected by following the directions in our Knowledge Base at
Equipped items sometimes don?t change colour when dye is applied. Un-equipping and re-equipping should fix this.
Players may sometimes see references to "Accomplishments" throughout the game. These are what are now called Deeds, and are the same thing.
The Flute does not have an associated sound effect.
Players are often scared out of their chairs by the random growling of a very large, invisible bear.

Thopeuh Eternal Circle lvl25 Gardien Nain
Anahya Eternal Circle lvl3x Chasseresse Humain
Maison: 4, rue des Jardins Staffolde - Bree, Armurier @ [FR-RP] Estel

#11 13-04-2007 15:47:43

Admin / Patriarche
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Toulouse (France)
Date d'inscription: 24-02-2007
Messages: 708
Site web

Re: Patch pre-release

C'est que des corrections de bug avec l'ajout de nouveau bug smile

Notamment un truc ultra chiant on aura plus le message du jour dans la confr?rie sad

Thopeuh Eternal Circle lvl25 Gardien Nain
Anahya Eternal Circle lvl3x Chasseresse Humain
Maison: 4, rue des Jardins Staffolde - Bree, Armurier @ [FR-RP] Estel

#12 13-04-2007 15:53:02

Aventurier Confirmé
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Strasbourg
Date d'inscription: 25-02-2007
Messages: 608

Re: Patch pre-release

Courage !!!

On aura droit ? quelque patch dans le premier mois !!


#13 13-04-2007 16:04:08

Admin / Patriarche
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Toulouse (France)
Date d'inscription: 24-02-2007
Messages: 708
Site web

Re: Patch pre-release

ah mais moi ca me va tout a fait comme ca smile

j'aime bien leur patch d'ailleurs c'est un truc qui m'a toujours passionner voir fonctionner les patcheurs et voir la barre de d?filement avancer petit a petit c'est un truc qui me fascine wink

Tallulah peut le dire sur le PC j'ai au moins 5 a 6 jeux que je garde juste pour le plaisir de patcher alors que je sais que je n'y jouerais plus wink

bref un fou thopeuh wink

Thopeuh Eternal Circle lvl25 Gardien Nain
Anahya Eternal Circle lvl3x Chasseresse Humain
Maison: 4, rue des Jardins Staffolde - Bree, Armurier @ [FR-RP] Estel

#14 13-04-2007 17:16:25

Aventurier Confirmé
Statut: Hors ligne
Date d'inscription: 26-02-2007
Messages: 232

Re: Patch pre-release

Chacun son petit d?lire ^^

Eternal Circle - Vinuliel Metala - Femme Elfe Teleri Maîtresse du Savoir - Lvl 38
Eternal Circle - Feyrun - Femme Elfe Teleri Championne - Lvl xx  Vinuliel, Historien @ [FR-RP] Estel

#15 13-04-2007 18:14:20

Admin / Patriarche
Statut: Hors ligne
Lieu: Toulouse (France)
Date d'inscription: 24-02-2007
Messages: 708
Site web

Re: Patch pre-release

exactement smile

Thopeuh Eternal Circle lvl25 Gardien Nain
Anahya Eternal Circle lvl3x Chasseresse Humain
Maison: 4, rue des Jardins Staffolde - Bree, Armurier @ [FR-RP] Estel

#16 13-04-2007 19:33:49

Aventurier Confirmé
Statut: Hors ligne
Date d'inscription: 08-03-2007
Messages: 122

Re: Patch pre-release

et un patch un !

Eldimir - Eternal Circle - Maître du Savoir - Elfe - Explorateur en devenir
Miara - Eternal Circle - Champion - Femme - Armurier, Explorateur @ [FR-RP] Estel

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